Since the 1980s, the Smokerlyzer® range of breath carbon monoxide (CO) monitors have been the gold standard to aid in smoking cessation, tobacco treatment & education, wellness, behavioral health, mental health, substance abuse and clinical research.
The Smokerlyzer® monitors instantly and non-invasively measure the amount of CO on a smoker’s breath and for professionals it is a way to biochemically establish smoking status and for the smokers themselves the Smokerlyzer® is a motivational visual aid (similar to what the scale is to watching your weight) to encourage them to quit and to measure their progress while doing so.
The Smokerlyzer® Family
Micro+™ pro, Micro+™ baby & Micro+™ basic
Watch the Intro Video

Family of CO Monitors
Micro+™baby Smokerlyzer®
– PPM – CO in the lungs
– %COHb – CO in the blood
– %FetalCOHb – fetus CO level
Micro+™basic Smokerlyzer®
The world’s most popular CO monitor the piCO+ is now called the Micro+basic with on-device biofeedback:
– PPM – CO in the lungs
– %COHb – CO in the blood
– with many other advancements
Confused by too many options?
Click to Compare ProductsKey Features | Micro+™ Family of Smokerlyzers®
Interface Features
- Color Touch Screen - Simple and intuitive user interface
- Instant Boot Up - Shortest warm-up in the industry
- Auto-Saves Readings - Automatically saves last 150 readings with time and data stamp
- Exhalation Guide - Coaches patient through entire exhalation process to ensure proper technique and accurate results
- Simple Calibration - Only required every 6 months with On-device step by step instructions & Automatic reminders
- Adjustable Ranges - Ability to meet your needs with customizable traffic light ranges

Why Smokerlyzer®
The most features and benefits for your money
30+ Year Smokerlyzer® Heritage
The Smokerlyzer® have been trusted and utilized around the world for over 30+ years by the leading research organizations, educational institutions, pharmaceutical companies as well as private and public companies.
Our Smokerlyzer® are the gold standard to aid in smoking cessation, tobacco treatment & education, wellness, behavioral health, mental health, substance abuse and clinical research.
Smokerlyzer® Timeline
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Do you bill insurances for medical services?

Smoking cessation counseling visits
CPT Code: 99406 – Smoking and tobacco use cessation counseling visit; intermediate, greater than 3 minutes up to 10 minutes.
CPT Code: 99407 – Smoking and tobacco use cessation counseling visit; intensive, greater than 10 minutes
Contact us to learn the specific amounts for your area.
Testing Process
Conducting a breath test is simple, non-invasive, and instant.
The Smokerlyzers® bring the reality of smoking to life by instantly showing smokers their CO levels in familiar traffic light colors.
Why Breath CO Test?
FDA cleared & evidence based diagnostic tool that allows you to:
Personalized Biofeedback
The breath CO test results are immediate and personal to the smoker – right from their own body. Smoking is no longer a mindless act or habit. Seeing the results is a reality check and a call to action for smokers and data indicates that the test is highly motivational. It’s really no different than a blood pressure test or cholesterol test. The Smokerlyzer® monitor instantly provides 3 forms of biofeedback: CO in the lungs (ppm), CO in the blood (%COHb), and pregnant smokers can even learn the fetal CO level (%FCOHb) of their unborn child.
Biofeedback Gets Results
Treatment interventions that provide biomarker feedback and do so on more than one occasion, reported a more significant behavioral effect then those that did not provide any feedback. A 2010 study of stop smoking services in England attempted to identify successful behavior change techniques used by these services. Breath CO monitoring was one of the successful techniques identified and the study concluded that services that utilized these techniques had better quit outcomes.
Accurate, Low Cost, Non-invasive & Instant
Accurate & reliable test with a sensitivity and specificity in the 90th percentile
Approximately $.15 per test
Low maintenance & 5 year warranty
Non-invasive (works on a breath sample, no bodily fluids)
Instant results - large groups can be quickly and easily screened
Instant Results
Breath test takes seconds - large groups can be quickly and easily screened
Keep Engaged & Track Progress
A Smokerlyzer® allows you to track the smokers’ progress throughout treatment and gives you a way to chemically validate self-reports of smoking status for more targeted treatment. It also allows you to confirm abstinence and ultimately evaluate the success/impact of your program. Smokers look forward to seeing their progress every time they come to a session. The breath CO test keeps them engaged and connected to your treatment intervention and gives them a reason to keep coming back. The dramatic decrease in their CO level is a reward they can see immediately after quitting smoking or as they cut back the number of cigarettes they smoke.
Connect the Dots
Smokers underestimate their personal risk of developing the diseases associated with smoking. Providing biomarker feedback can reinforce efforts to educate smokers on their personal risks associated with smoking. The biofeedback from the CO monitor can be correlated directly to the physiological harm caused by smoking and acts as an indicator of exposure to 7,000 toxins, chemicals, and substances present in tobacco smoke, 69 of which are known to cause cancer in humans.
Anyone Can Administer the Test
Anyone can administer the test with no special licensure required. Breath testing is not regulated under C.L.I.A. as the breath sample is never captured, it is allowed to dissipate.
Low Cost
Low cost of approximately $0.15 per breath sample
Low maintenance & 5 year warranty
Cigarette smoking causes about one of every five deaths in the United States each year.¹,³
Those who smoke can build up high levels of CO in the blood, which can lead to heart disease, circulation problems, and high blood pressure. Measuring levels of CO can assist in smoking cessation. Stopping smoking can reduce the number of deaths from heart disease and cancer.
Please contact us if you are interested supporting data. We would be happy to search our archive of over 70+ years of research.
¹.U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. The Health Consequences of Smoking—50 Years of Progress. A Report of the Surgeon General. Atlanta: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, Office on Smoking and Health, 2014 ². Jha P, Ramasundarahettige C, Landsman V, Rostrom B, Thun M, Anderson RN, McAfee T, Peto R. 21st Century Hazards of Smoking and Benefits of Cessation in the United States [PDF–738 KB]. New England Journal of Medicine, 2013;368(4):341–50 ³. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. QuickStats: Number of Deaths from 10 Leading Causes—National Vital Statistics System, United States, 2010. Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report 2013: 62(08);155
Why is this important? (continued)
Seeing the Smokerlyzers® breath CO test results is a reality check and a call to action for smokers and research indicates that the biofeedback is highly motivational. Educating smokers’ on their CO levels helps to connect the dots and then smoking is no longer a mindless act or habit. Below you will find descriptions of the typical smoking ranges.
Ideal for the following industries
Scientific Literature
If you are interested in receiving supporting data, please contact us and we would be happy to search our archive of over 70+ years of research on breath analysis.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is carbon monoxide (CO)?
Carbon monoxide (CO) is an odorless, colorless, poisonous gas produced by burning organic material. CO, tar and nicotine are the main constituents of tobacco smoke. All represent some risk to the smokers’ health. Carbon monoxide mainly affects the lungs, heart, and blood vessels, and in pregnant women passes into the blood of the fetus, reducing its oxygen supply. The carbon monoxide found in cigarette smoke is the same carbon monoxide found in atmospheric pollution and vehicle exhaust. The levels absorbed by the body from pollution, however, are very low compared with the amount in tobacco smoke.
What does a carbon monoxide (CO) breath test show?
It shows the amount of carbon monoxide (CO) in smokers’ lungs and blood. This is an indirect, non-invasive measure of blood Carboxyhemoglobin (%COHb), which is the level of CO in smokers’ blood. Elevated breath CO from smoking can also act as an indicator of the levels of some 7000 toxic substances present in cigarette smoke, approximately 69 of which are known to cause cancer. The smokers’ CO reading doesn’t tell you exactly how many cigarettes they are smoking, rather it tells you how much smoke the smokers are inhaling and how much of the cigarette they are smoking. Therefore, the CO breath test is an indicator to smokers’ dependence to nicotine. Smokers’ readings are typically going to be high immediately after smoking a cigarette, and it will be at its highest later in the day, when they have smoked most or all of their daily ration of cigarettes and they have built up a high CO level.
Why monitor carbon monoxide (CO)?
CO testing is a quick, non-invasive and cost-effective means of validating the smoking status of smokers. Additionally, the biofeedback from the Smokerlyzer® breath CO monitor has been proven to be the motivational help for the smoker to quit for good. Smoking is one of the single greatest avoidable risk factor for cancer. Each year in the US, the adverse health effects from cigarette smoking account for an estimated 443,000 deaths, or nearly one of every five deaths.1,2 In the In the UK, it is the cause of over a quarter (29%) of all deaths from cancer and has killed an estimated six million people over the last 50 years. Smoking can be attributed to 90% of all deaths from lung cancer, chronic bronchitis and emphysema, showing that if everyone quit the habit, these types of death could be almost completely eradicated.
Carbon monoxide monitors offer health professionals and tobacco treatment specialists an independent clinical tool which provides valuable evidence in identifying, educating, assessing and treating tobacco-dependent patient.
Monitoring patients’ CO levels helps to work out their level of nicotine dependence: the more they smoke, the higher their reading will be, indicating a higher dependence on nicotine.
How does carbon monoxide (CO) harm a smokers’ body?
When tobacco smoke is inhaled into a smokers’ lungs, CO passes through the lining of the lung into the blood, where it becomes attached to the hemoglobin (Hb) – the oxygen carrier on red blood cells. These red blood cells normally carry oxygen, however, their chemical attraction to CO is greater than to oxygen (CO binds to hemoglobin in red blood cells about 200 times as readily as oxygen). So, any CO in the blood pushes out oxygen, forming Carboxyhemoglobin (%COHb), thus putting extra strain on the heart. The percentage of COHb is the proportion of red blood cells carrying CO instead of oxygen. If a smokers’ Smokerlyzer® reading is 5% (about 30 ppm), it means 5% of your red blood cells are carrying CO instead of oxygen. This creates a shortage of oxygen, and the body needs oxygen to live.
Carbon monoxide (CO) & the toxins that follow
Every time a smoker smokes a cigarette an extra strain is put on their body. This extra strain on the smokers’ body will add up over time. Every time smokers get a test on the Smokerlyzer®, they get to see the effects of your smoking habit on thier body – instantly and non-invasively. Remember that the Smokerlyzer® is measuring one constituent of tobacco smoke – CO. However, if a smokers have CO from smoking in their body, it’s well documented that smokers will also have all of the
Health problems caused by carbon monoxide (CO)
Heart: To compensate for the shortage of oxygen, the heart has to work harder (beat faster) to get enough oxygen to all parts of the body. The heart itself gets less oxygen, increasing the risk of heart damage.
Circulation: COHb causes the blood to thicken and the arteries to get coated with a thick, fatty substance. This causes circulation problems and high blood pressure, with increased risk of heart attack and stroke. Hands and feet become colder as less blood circulates to the extremities.
Breathing: With any increase in physical activity, the reduced supply of oxygen leads to shortness of breath since there is no extra oxygen available for the increased demand. Decreased oxygen availability can also cause tiredness and lack of concentration.
Pregnancy: Availability of oxygen, necessary for healthy fetal growth, is reduced when the pregnant mother smokes. The risk of low birth weight and cleft palate birth defect are increased. After birth, the risk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome is higher for babies exposed to tobacco smoke.
What’s the good news?
When you stop smoking the level of carbon monoxide in your blood falls almost immediately. It will be the same as a non-smoker’s within a couple of days. This is the first positive benefit that demonstrates your body is healing from some of the damage caused by smoking. Your blood will carry more oxygen. You’ll have more energy, better circulation and increased concentration.
The Smokerlyzer® breath carbon monoxide (CO) test gives smokers the biofeedback necessary to connect the dots and provides the support to quit.

The world’s most advanced CO monitor with automatic on-device biofeedback:
– PPM – CO in the lungs
– %COHb – CO in the blood
– %FetalCOHb – fetus CO level
– Ambient air monitoring